Sunday, October 9, 2016

90 Pips trade plan 1 week time frame

Considering Fundamentals that are market movers
1. Initial Jobless Claims USD (no forecast yet)
2. FOMC (meeting)
3. Retail Sales (Positive forecast)

The effect of UK leaving EU union I believe have great impact on this one. although election is near on US the technical analysis always give first clue of where market will go. for this reason I also need to prepare the possibilities that my current analysis will not go as my trade plan that is why my stop loss is strict and must be implemented. However due to what is showing i need to wait for the market to bounce back before i start to trade. which you could see on the graph.

for better understanding strongly suggest to watch this video

Result of this Plan delivered 90 pips (click to see result)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

2 trade Setup 1 currency

1st Trade Setup is the favorite head and shoulder pattern with a promising profit of 50pips more or less. the wnd trade setup is the pull back using fibonacci tool to identify take profit position.. for the stop lost be specific not to break the highest position coz if it does then the trand is still to go up.

To confirm our position lets wait for our stochistic RSI to be overbought. in which i specifically mark on the pic above the start trade. Again once we have this confirmation then its time to go for 5min chart to identify point of entry. Why 5min to minimize looses. but not compromise position.

for eurusd update last night it consilidated in which i took an error and loose $4 dollars. another lesson learn to follow trade plan

click video bellow to exactly show my explanation

 2 trade plan setup 1 currency pair

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Oct 5 Eur usd trade Plan

   After ploting the support and Resistance, I have anticipate the Lowest of low hoping to see highest low to confirm that the trend will go up however I also anticipate to see even Low point or even lowest of the low point. what ever market will give ill gonna make trade on Buy setup.

Importance on this plan is the Flexibility to always allow the possibility to happen. in which what ever the market give as long it is inside the range of our support and resistance then we still have a profitable trade. to better understand what im talking watch the video

Flexible trade plan Oct 5

With in a week created 4 different Plan of trade all are successful

Using pull back strategy and defining Point of entry in 5min chart

First Pic

Second Pic

Third Pic

4rth Pic