Thursday, January 26, 2017

Conquer the Stop Lost to avoid premature and loose trade.

Tools needed
1. Time frame 1 day, 4hrs, 1hr and 30min
2. Support And Resistance 
4. Trend line 
5. Pivot
6. binary program (my created indicator program to identifying the point of entry)
7. Stochastic RSI 
8. Moving Average 100 and 50

Preparation and 1st to do
  • 1 day time frame and identify support and resistance this is a guide where is the limit or the direction of the market for the day. I usually use gold color for this 
  • 4hrs chart is where i tend to identify trend line or pattern and break out. Dont worry im going to discus this in my video after i publish this post. In this time frame i often look for break out and if it support my moving average tool then i might take a trade. its where i look on pivot also and mark them as blue lines. 
  • 1 hr is a good place to find head and shoulder pattrn or flag. it also where i identify the trend based on my 100 and 50 exponential moving average. 
  • 30 min time frame is where i wait my signal trade 

Important Laws to be followed and must.
1. Only trade what ever the 1 hr trend (ema) is showing (video will be provided) My explanation on this is simple if in 1hr time frame is saying a bullish trend then surely on 30 min time frame i will only trade a bullish signal. 
2. Confirmation on tren is the cross over of 100 ema and 50 ema. 
3. backtrack previous week to identify moving of stop lost, my default will be 25-50-77 and 100 
4. take profit is upon reach 100 pips or upen breaking 50 ema 
5. Stop lost on initial trade must support trend line to avoid premature stop or 50 pips away. 
6. to avoid spike looses adjust stop lost on hourly ema its either 100 or 50.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Common Errors and its Solution on trading

I need to write the key factors to remember to avoid error.

1. how to know if market will not create new higher high or lower low.

On this week experience I have traded Overbought already but then again despite it is on the overbought it created new one just like in this picture

Looking at the stochastic it just create another higher overbought price. To detect this kind of error it is important to use the support and resistance on different time frame. thats why when it is showing on stochastic that it is time to sell make sure to look on the previous price and identify the resistance. to better identify ALWAYS make a practice to change time frame and look at the support and resistance. if we change this on 4hrs time frame we could see it has a resistance that the market need to test. We could see the S Pattern.

this is the reason that trading on right trend is important not against the trend. unless you are skill full swing trader. or you have a very good reason to trade on opposite direction like double tap or patterns.

anyway this is the result on last week trade

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Lesson you learn from forex trading can be used also in cyrpto currency trading

        using the same tools and strategy on Forex trading we can have a figurative value on how much we could earn on cryptocurrency, particularly zcash. Before we do the Math about the potential of this coin. Im gonna make a strong point on the movement of the market.  In Forex there are many factors that a certain price of a currency will change. one example is the economy of the country which is measured by GDP.  the amount of Jobless people will affect also movement of currency. If im not mistaken currency have 5 major market movers. meaning everytime this time will come out there will be really big changes of price. this is the reason many earn from this sudden and big movement. NOw lets talk about zcash as i have been reading more about this coin and watching closely for a week now its price movement, I am amazed on how fast and how big the price change. just like eur, gbp, jpy or usd prices changes fast. the only difference is zcash can move not by any fundamental or market movers result. It lies sole on the supply and Demand.  take a look on this chart above  it amazes me how quickly it can grow in just 6 hrs. As a day trader like me this is one of our favorite that we could trade with in a day and earn big.

so let me walk you to the potentials of this kind of movement

1 zec at around 7 pm the price was

0.082 BTC / zec after 6hrs the price is now
0.091 BTC/ zec

so given 1 btc = $730
Purchased 11 zec x 0.082 =  0.902 BTC  = $ 658

6hrs later i sold all those 11 zec

Sold at 11 zec  x 0.091 = 1.001 BTC  = $730

$730  money profited after 6hrs
- $658  money spent to purchase
$72 Dollars profit in 6hrs

the good news about this is you could mine it although its not promising if you dont have fast gpu computers but the fact that you could produce it with out spending much is something you want to look at. Mine gather small, trade it  and grow big.  simple concept.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mine Zec (cryptocurrency) to trade

The concept is to avail as much coins as your pc can , while it is turned on for any reason at all and trade it for Bitcoin then withdraw it to local Bitcoin wallet to get cash in peso.

Be advice you dont earn big here unless you know or you have
1. Mining GPU (graphics card) rig
2. Know how to Hire Foreigners to work for you as a miner (im working on this)

To be honest based on my computer runing OS - Apple with i5 processor running cpu mining i only get 0.002 zec per day. So that means it will take you 8 Agonizing months to get 0.50 ZEC so to earn really fast in this wich im going to try it is to hire AMERIKANO to work for me. im still gonna test this as always before im going to open to public to know if it is profitable. however based on my computation it is giving positive result.

Lets go back to minning if you just want to try so that you could gather coins and if price is right then trade it. here is what you need

  1. pool - be part of a pool so that you have better chance to mine cryptocurrency. for typical cpu stand alone if we compare it on a car it has only have 10horsepower but if you belong to pool you contribute your horsepower to the engine of a pool which one of the biggest pool is having 100 x more horsepower compare to your self.  bigger horspower faster you could mine
  2.  Once you are registered on that pool go to My account then create a worker this will tell pool that you have an active miner who is going to work for the pool.  to create worker you may want to go click the help on this will give you instruction
  3. after that, give your miner a tool to mine which you are to download a miner tool this is where you need to configure. if you only use cpu then download the cpu miner but if you have a gaming computer and have gpu then download the gpu. for me im just a cpu so here is what i download (refer to the help of supernova for details instruction)
  4. extract it to your desktop. rename the folder nheqminer so that we could easily access it on dos
    Go to run and hit cmd. (this will lead you to ms-dos)

    on the dos prompt type the following
    cd desktop then pres enter
    cd nheqminer then press enter
    nheqminer -u yourname.workername -p password

    yourname is the name you register then the workername is the name you create to work for you  follow this screenshot.

uling.boss is my name and my worker name and the password is employee1

From there miner will be running already.

So to get you mined coins you need an exchange so create account here - this is where you trade your zec to btc

to get your profit in peso you need an account in click link below

now for details on both of this wallet leave your comment below for me to guide you in details.