Sunday, May 6, 2018

Intro Learn Forex in 2 weeks

       The video below is an example of system that I have created that suite to me as a pattern and swing trader. The book that im going to launch will also help you create your own tailored fit strategy and system in trading. You will be learning the tools needed for you to identify yourself what kind of trader you are. With those basic forex basic tools you will have a better understanding of the market which you are capable of enhancing it to suite you. through this I strongly believe you will develop a system that will give results consistently. 

Through this book you will understand that what works to me will never works on you. hence you will not be a victim of other people selling you strategy and system that will not work on you on the long run.

As much as possible I dont use terms that we can not relate so that you will understand the real situation of Learning forex. there also actual youtube links that will help you better understand how the market works.

Friday, April 20, 2018

How to spot potential Swing and Scalp trade

Tools You Need
1. Pattern 1day or 4hrs time frame
2. RSI oversold or overbought 
3. Candle Stick Pattern
4. Fibonocci tool
5. Support and Ressistance (Structure)

Skills needed
1. Patience and anticipation
2. able to spot the right entry position
3. able to spot where to end
4. able anticipate sudden changes of direction
5. able to spot support and ressistance

1. Pattern is formed or about to formed
2. supported by RSI oversold or bouaght
3. add trade on pull back

pic above are the example and for the process watch the video

Saturday, December 9, 2017

market checker codes

//Codes by Chrismoody

study(title="CM_Williams_Vix_Fix_V3_Upper_Text-Plots", shorttitle="Market checker", overlay=true)
//Inputs Tab Criteria.
pd = input(22, title="LookBack Period Standard Deviation High")
bbl = input(20, title="Bolinger Band Length")
mult = input(2.0    , minval=1, maxval=5, title="Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up")
lb = input(50  , title="Look Back Period Percentile High")
ph = input(.85, title="Highest Percentile - 0.90=90%, 0.95=95%, 0.99=99%")
new = input(false, title="-------Text Plots Below Use Original Criteria-------" )
sbc = input(false, title="Market Check")
sbcc = input(false, title="Show Text Plot if Buttom")
new2 = input(false, title="-------Text Plots Below Use FILTERED Criteria-------" )
sbcFilt = input(true, title="Show Text Plot For Filtered Entry")
sbcAggr = input(true, title="Show Text Plot For AGGRESSIVE Filtered Entry")
ltLB = input(40, minval=25, maxval=99, title="Long-Term Look Back Current Bar Has To Close Below This Value OR Medium Term--Default=40")
mtLB = input(14, minval=10, maxval=20, title="Medium-Term Look Back Current Bar Has To Close Below This Value OR Long Term--Default=14")
str = input(3, minval=1, maxval=9, title="Entry Price Action Strength--Close > X Bars Back---Default=3")
//Alerts Instructions and Options Below...Inputs Tab
new4 = input(false, title="-------------------------Turn On/Off ALERTS Below---------------------" )
new5 = input(false, title="----To Activate Alerts You HAVE To Check The Boxes Below For Any Alert Criteria You Want----")
sa1 = input(false, title=" choose what to alert")
sa2 = input(false, title="Market Check?")
sa3 = input(false, title="Confirm Entry?")
sa4 = input(false, title="Aggresive Entry?")

//Williams Vix Fix Formula
wvf = ((highest(close, pd)-low)/(highest(close, pd)))*100
sDev = mult * stdev(wvf, bbl)
midLine = sma(wvf, bbl)
lowerBand = midLine - sDev
upperBand = midLine + sDev
rangeHigh = (highest(wvf, lb)) * ph

//Filtered Bar Criteria
upRange = low > low[1] and close > high[1]
upRange_Aggr = close > close[1] and close > open[1]
//Filtered Criteria
filtered = ((wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh))
filtered_Aggr = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and not (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh)

//Alerts Criteria
alert1 = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh ? 1 : 0
alert2 = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh) ? 1 : 0
alert3 = upRange and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered ? 1 : 0
alert4 = upRange_Aggr and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered_Aggr ? 1 : 0

plotshape(sbcc and  alert1 ? alert1 : na, title="WVF Is True Text", color=lime, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar ,text='Buttom', transp=0)
plotshape(sbc and  alert2 ? alert2 : na, title="Entry/Rev Text", color=aqua, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar ,text='Entry/Rev', transp=0)
plotshape(sbcAggr and alert4 ? alert4 : na, title="Early in/Rev Text",color=orange, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar ,text='Early in/Rev', transp=0)
plotshape(sbcFilt and alert3 ? alert3 : na, title="Confirm Entry/Rev Text", color=fuchsia, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar ,text='confirm entry/Rev', transp=0)

// Find all Fractals.
// This section based on [RS]Fractal Levels  by RicardoSantos
hidefractals = input(false)
hidelevels = input(false)
topfractal = high[2] > high[1] and high[2] > high and high[2] > high[3] and high[2] > high[4]
botfractal = low[2] < low[1] and low[2] < low and low[2] < low[3] and low[2] < low[4]

plotshape(hidefractals ? na : topfractal, color=green, transp=0, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.abovebar, offset=-2, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(hidefractals ? na : botfractal, color=red, transp=0, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.belowbar, offset=-2, size=size.tiny)

topfractals = topfractal ? high[2] : topfractals[1]
botfractals = botfractal ? low[2] : botfractals[1]

topfcolor = topfractals != topfractals[1] ? na : green
botfcolor = botfractals != botfractals[1] ? na : red

plot(hidelevels ? na : topfractals, color=topfcolor, transp=0, linewidth=2)
plot(hidelevels ? na : botfractals, color=botfcolor, transp=0, linewidth=2)

//Coloring Criteria of Williams Vix Fix
col = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh ? lime : gray

//Plots for Williams Vix Fix Histogram and Alerts
plot(sa2 and alert2 ? alert2 : 0, title="Alert If Entry/Rev", style=line, linewidth=2, color=aqua)
plot(sa3 and alert3 ? alert3 : 0, title="Alert Confirm Entry/Rev", style=line, linewidth=2, color=fuchsia)
plot(sa4 and alert4 ? alert4 : 0, title="Alert Early in/Rev", style=line, linewidth=2, color=orange)

matype   = input(defval="HullMA", title="Fast MA Type: SMA, EMA, WMA, VWMA, SMMA, DEMA, TEMA, HullMA, TMA, ZEMA ( case sensitive )", type=string)
malength = input(defval=20, title="Moving Average Length", minval=1)
src      = input(close,title="Moving average Source")

// Returns MA input selection variant, default to SMA if blank or typo.
variant(type, src, len) =>
    v1 = sma(src, len)                                                  // Simple
    v2 = ema(src, len)                                                  // Exponential
    v3 = wma(src, len)                                                  // Weighted
    v4 = vwma(src, len)                                                 // Volume Weighted
    v5 = na(v5[1]) ? sma(src, len) : (v5[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len    // Smoothed
    v6 = 2 * v2 - ema(v2, len)                                          // Double Exponential
    v7 = 3 * (v2 - ema(v2, len)) + ema(ema(v2, len), len)               // Triple Exponential
    v8 = wma(2 * wma(src, len / 2) - wma(src, len), round(sqrt(len)))   // Hull
    ema1 = ema(src, len)
    ema2 = ema(ema1, len)
    v10 = ema1+(ema1-ema2)                                              // Zero Lag Exponential
    v11 = sma(sma(src,len),len)                                         // Trianglular
    // return variant, defaults to SMA if input invalid.
    type=="EMA"?v2 : type=="WMA"?v3 : type=="VWMA"?v4 : type=="SMMA"?v5 : type=="DEMA"?v6 : type=="TEMA"?v7 : type=="HullMA"?v8 : type=="ZEMA"?v10 : type=="TMA"?v11 : v1

// Calculate selected MA and get direction of trend from it.
zlema= variant(matype,src,malength)

up = zlema > zlema[1] ? 1 : 0
down = zlema < zlema[1] ? 1 : 0

// This section based on Candlestick Patterns With EMA by rmwaddelljr
ufb  = input(false, title="Use Fractal S/R Cross Patterns")
udc  = input(true, title="Use Dark Cloud Cover Patterns" )
upl  = input(true, title="Use Piecing Line Patterns" )
ube  = input(true, title="Use Engulfing Candle Patterns" )
ubh  = input(true, title="Use Harami Candle Patterns" )
upb  = input(true,  title="Use Defined PinBar Patterns")
pctP = input(66, minval=1, maxval=99, title="Directional PBars, % of Range of Candle the Long Wick Has To Be")
// This section based on CM_Price-Action-Bars by ChrisMoody
// Change the pin bar calculation, so can be used for market direction.
urpb= input(false, title="Use CM Price Action Reversal Pin Bars")
usb = input(false, title="Use CM Price Action Shaved Bars")
uob = input(false, title="Use CM Price Action Outside Bars")
uib = input(false, title="Use CM Price Action Inside Bars")
pctRP = input(72, minval=1, maxval=99, title="CM Reversal PBars, % of Range of Candle the Long Wick Has To Be")
pctS = input(5, minval=1, maxval=99, title="CM Shaved Bars, % of Range it Has To Close On The Lows or Highs")
pblb =input(6,minval=1,title="CM Reversal Pin Bar Lookback Length")
stnd = input(true, title="Alert Only Patterns Following Trend")
// Get MACD for Alert Filtering
umacd  = input(true,title="Alert Only Patterns Confirmed by MACD")
fastMA = input(title="MACD Fast MA Length", type = integer, defval = 12, minval = 2)
slowMA = input(title="MACD Slow MA Length", type = integer, defval = 26, minval = 7)
signal = input(title="MACD Signal Length",type=integer,defval=9,minval=1)

sgb = input(false, title="Check Box To Turn Bars Gray")
salc = input(true, title="Show Alert condition Dot")
[currMacd,_,_] = macd(close[0], fastMA, slowMA, signal)
[prevMacd,_,_] = macd(close[1], fastMA, slowMA, signal)
plotColor = currMacd > 0
    ? currMacd > prevMacd ? green : red
    : currMacd < prevMacd ? red : green

// Show alert on this bar?
sbarUp = (not umacd or plotColor==green) and (not stnd or up)
sbarDn = (not umacd or plotColor==red) and (not stnd or down)

//PBar Percentages
pctCp = pctP * .01

//Shaved Bars Percentages
pctCs = pctS * .01
pctSPO = pctCs
//ma50 = sma(close,50)

range = high - low

///Reversal PinBars
pctCRp = pctRP * .01
pctCRPO = 1 - pctCRp
//pBarRUp= upb and open<close and open > high - (range * pctCRPO) and close > high - (range * pctCRPO) and low <= lowest(pblb) ? 1 : 0
//pBarRDn = upb and open>close and open < high - (range *  pctCRp) and close < high-(range * pctCRp) and high >= highest(pblb) ? 1 : 0
pBarRUp = urpb and  open > high - (range * pctCRPO) and close > high - (range * pctCRPO) and low <= lowest(pblb) ? 1 : 0
pBarRDn = urpb and  open < high - (range *  pctCRp) and close < high-(range * pctCRp) and high >= highest(pblb) ? 1 : 0

//Shaved Bars filter to the MA50 line
sBarUp   = usb and (close >= (high - (range * pctCs))) // and close>ma50
sBarDown = usb and (close <= (low + (range * pctCs)))  // and close<ma50

//Inside Bars
insideBarUp = uib and (high < high[1] and low > low[1])
insideBarDn = uib and (high < high[1] and low > low[1])
outsideBarUp= uob and (high > high[1] and low < low[1])
outsideBarDn= uob and (high > high[1] and low < low[1])

// PinBars representing possible change in trend direction
barcolor(pBarRUp ? green : na)
barcolor(pBarRDn ? red : na)

//Shaved Bars
barcolor(sBarDown ? fuchsia : na)
barcolor(sBarUp   ? aqua : na)

//Inside and Outside Bars
barcolor((insideBarUp or insideBarDn)? yellow : na )
barcolor((outsideBarUp or outsideBarDn) ? orange : na )

//Long shadow PinBars supporting market direction
///PinBars Long Upper Shadow represent selling pressure
pBarDn = upb and open < high - (range * pctCp) and close < high - (range * pctCp)
plotshape(pBarDn and (not pBarRUp and not pBarRDn), title= "Bearish Pin Bar",  color=red, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Bearish\nPinBar")
///PinBars with Long Lower Shadow represent buying pressure
pBarUp = upb and open > low + (range * pctCp) and close > low + (range * pctCp)
plotshape(pBarUp and (not pBarRUp and not pBarRDn),  title= "Bullish Pin Bar", location=location.belowbar, color=green, style=shape.arrowup, text="Bullish\nPinBar")

dcc = udc and (close[1]>open[1] and abs(close[1]-open[1])/range[1]>=0.7 and close<open and abs(close-open)/range>=0.7 and open>=close[1] and close>open[1] and close<((open[1]+close[1])/2))
plotshape(dcc, title="Dark Cloud Cover",text='DarkCloud\nCover',color=red, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar)

pln= upl and (close[1]<open[1] and abs(open[1]-close[1])/range[1]>=0.7 and close>open and abs(close-open)/range>=0.7 and open<=close[1] and close<open[1] and close>((open[1]+close[1])/2))
plotshape(pln, title="Piercieng Line",text="Piercing\nLine",color=green, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar)

beh = ubh and (close[1] > open[1] and open > close and open <= close[1] and low >= open[1] and open - close < close[1] - open[1] and (high < high[1] and low > low[1]))
plotshape(beh and not dcc, title= "Bearish Harami",  color=red, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Bear\nHarami")

blh = ubh and (open[1] > close[1] and close > open and close <= open[1] and high <= open[1] and close - open < open[1] - close[1] and (high < high[1] and low > low[1]))
plotshape(blh and not pln,  title= "Bullish Harami", location=location.belowbar, color=green, style=shape.arrowup, text="Bull\nHarami")

bee = ube and (close[1] > open[1] and close < open and close<=low[1] and open>= close[1])
plotshape(bee,  title= "Bearish Engulfing", color=red, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Bearish\nEngulf")

ble = ube and (close[1] < open[1] and close > open and close >= high[1] and open<=close[1])
plotshape(ble, title= "Bullish Engulfing", location=location.belowbar, color=green, style=shape.arrowup, text="Bullish\nEngulf")

blfr = ufb and crossover(close,topfractals)
plotshape(blfr and not ble and not blh and not sBarUp, title= "Bullish Fractal Cross", location=location.belowbar, color=green, style=shape.arrowup, text="Fractal\nCross")
befr = ufb and crossunder(close,botfractals)
plotshape(befr and not bee and not beh and not sBarDown,  title= "Bearish Fractal Cross", color=red, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Fractal\nCross")

bcolorDn = sbarDn and not(pBarRDn or pBarRUp or sBarDown or insideBarDn or outsideBarDn) and (beh or bee or dcc or befr or pBarDn)
bcolorUp = sbarUp and not(pBarRDn or pBarRUp or sBarUp or insideBarUp or outsideBarUp) and (blh or ble or pln or blfr or pBarUp)
barcolor(bcolorDn ? maroon : na)
barcolor(bcolorUp ? lime : na)
barcolor(sgb and close ? gray : na)

barAlertDn = (sbarDn and (befr or bee or beh or pBarDn  or dcc)) or (sbarDn and (insideBarDn or outsideBarDn or sBarDown)) or pBarRDn
barAlertUp = (sbarUp and (blfr or ble or blh or pBarUp  or pln)) or (sbarUp and (insideBarUp or outsideBarUp or sBarUp))  or pBarRUp
barAlert = barAlertDn or barAlertUp
alertcondition(barAlert,title="CDLTRD Alert", message="CDLTRD Bar Alert")
// show only when alert condition is met and bar closed.
plotshape(salc and barAlert[1],title= "Alert Indicator Closed", location=location.bottom, color=barAlertDn[1]?red:green, transp=0,,offset=-1)

Credits to

Trade Plan Dec 11-15

Eur Cad

Head and shoulders forming but on 1hr a bat pattern with supported direction of 200 ma which is going down. as for currency strength cad is pointing in up direction while euro is about to go down on 4hrs time frame while in 1hr Cad is already the strongest currency



MA is in the Middle in 1hr while in 4hrs  about to go down
Head and shoulders forming  better trade on break out  or near sellers area, structure has been form High lower high so finding the lower low or equivalent.


MA 4hrs is in the middle which currently foring a triangle pattern. however since the fab is exactly .618 so a potential perfect abcd pattern will be forming. Looking forward to start the right shoulder which strongly advice to wait for the rejection



Divergent Head and shoulders forming