
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Find the weakness of your Strategy

As i have continue my learning on forex I found out that there is no holy grail strategy. Every strategy has a witness and if you combine 1 strategy to another you will end up loosing more than earning. I could not lay all the details on this since my type of strategy might not work in you. But what i could share is when times hardship comes that no matter how good you prepare your trade plan if market is not with you then learn to stop pushing. You have to find your way back. Don't try to overdo it. I dont know how you are going to do this. to be back on track but find ways that you will be inspired again. See im writing this to document currently what im feeling. But i know as soon ill pass this through there will be something good. Now I understand why 90% fail on this kind work, its because on situation that pulls them back.

In my case  there will always be somebody close to me is waiting for me to fail. Believe me even my father want to see me fail. Its not because they hated me its just they are angry for what ever reason, valid or not. My point here is situation is situation and theres nothing you can do about it. But Future it can be re-write. Its in my hands if ill go with the flow of strong current of negativity and end up same as always or Ill have to stand my ground continue to pursue learn to lean back and fight another day...

Cyril this is your choice go fight the war you may loose a lot of battles but you will win the WAR!!!!

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